Folate (Vitamin B9)
Our Vitamin B9 is Active
I'm Nutrients uses folonic acid, the active form of folate. Not to be confused as folic acid.
Folate is a dietary essential B-complex vitamin required for human health. It functions as a cofactor in the synthesis of nucleotides required for DNA synthesis and in amino acid metabolism. The classic symptom of folate deficiency is megaloblastic (large cell) anaemia, which is a reflection of defective DNA synthesis.
I'm Good for
- Aid/assist healthy red blood cell production in children when dietary intake is inadequate.
- Maintain/support general health and wellbeing in children when dietary intake is inadequate.
Recommended Daily Intake of Vitamin B9 in Children
Boys & Girls (1-3 years) 150 μg
Boys & Girls (4-8 years) 200 μg
Boys & Girls (9-13 years) 300 μg
Boys & Girls (14-18 years) 400 μg